Once upon a thyme...

Are you curious about our growers? Great! Here we collect stories from around the world and build our library of interesting people and their produce. Go dig!


Presence and flexibility in the field

From two empty suitcases from the 90’s Balkan war to a large vegetable farm in southern Sweden. For Milutin and Branka, life turned around and literally took root on new ground. Now, 22 years later, their knowledge brings fresh vegetables to the world and helps create a greener and healthier world.

Two Growers holding salad

Belsan, right in the heart of Murcia´s fertile La Huerta region.

Belsan is the fruit of our grandfather Pacos' effort, a true entrepreneur who manage to make farming his livelihood. He devoted his entire life to lemon farming.


Maria at El Dulze, Murcia: - It is a world I am passionate about and love.

My name is Maria. I am an agricultural engineer. And right now I work in the production of vegetables. I decided to work in the field, in agriculture, because I am the daughter of farmers and it is a world I am passionate about and love, and I knew that this was my thing to work with.
